Funding Systemic Change Now – How to seize the opportunity?

The call for systemic change is widespread and the logical consequence of a global crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore many new publications take a closer look at the meaning of systemic change and its importance within the philanthropic sector. Three recent reports discuss the potential and need for change and how to respond accordingly.

Getting from crisis to systems change

The Catalyst 2030 Report offers advice to leaders in the time of COVID-19. The post-pandemic ideal shouldn´t be the return back to normal because « normal » was an unjust, unequal and unsustainable world, but it should promote ideas, suggestions, and recommendations on how a change of system can result from pursuing the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. « Philanthropists must transform how they finance the ideas of social entrepreneurs », states one recommendation. Find the full report and its responses to specific challenges here.

Philanthropy´s role in genuine change

The new publication of the Altruist League summarises 15 lessons from today´s grassroots movements and their backers. Among them, they define systemic change, describe the characteristics of an exemplary changemaker philanthropist, and express smart actions that NPOs should take. Based on their survey, truthfulness and leadership scored high when asked what philanthropy needs more of today. New concepts scored less than 30%. To learn more about the individual lessons, click here.

The rise of family philanthropy in times of crisis

Peter Vogel,  IMD Professor of Family Business and Entrepreneurship argues that we must look to holistic and orchestrated multi-stakeholder efforts to find solutions, combining the agility and passion of NGOs, entrepreneurs, enterprising families and philanthropists with the leverage and influence of governments and international organizations. “In this multi-stakeholder effort, philanthropic families play a critical role, and we see them gaining importance in addressing global challenges,” says Vogel. « Unfortunately, a good heart and doing the right thing will not change our societies or the world; we need action, we need collaboration, and we need real change », adds Maria Ahlström-Bindestam. How these actions could look like and which new trends shape philanthropic giving, are discussed in the webinar here



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